
Finance / Banking


People First Bank - Academic project


Jun - Aug 2024

Designing Trustworthy Online Banking: Reshaping Financial Experiences for Young Audiences

Designing Trustworthy Online Banking: Reshaping Financial Experiences for Young Audiences

Designing Trustworthy Online Banking: Reshaping Financial Experiences for Young Audiences

Main Project Image
Main Project Image
Main Project Image
Main Project Image

A bank that serves a wider community

Project Summary

People First Bank aims to become a digital-first bank with an appealing offering for younger audiences to increase its market share among millennials and Gen Z. Its mission is to deliver enhanced products, digital capabilities and competitive pricing while supporting community and environmental initiatives.

My role

Working solely, I designed a responsive, mobile-first website for the banking industry, and presented my usability testing findings and final design work to the marketing and product design leads at Heritage Bank. I was one out of 4 other UI Designers who took the Harness Projects online course. Our weekly meetings involved sharing our designs with the group and mentor, Sam Hancock, which improved everyone's overall project.

People First Bank

Heritage Bank merged with People’s Choice Credit Union to create a new mutual bank, People First Bank. The bank has become Australia’s largest customer-owned financial institution. Its mission is to provide enhanced products, services, and digital capabilities while increasing support for community and environmental initiatives.


The People's First Bank website offers a unique service that provides new customers the satisfaction of banking with a trusted bank, allowing users to sign up effortlessly.


The People's First Bank website offers a unique service that provides new customers the satisfaction of banking with a trusted bank, allowing users to sign up effortlessly.

Track their money and savings

User research suggests that users "want to track their spending in an automated sense". I introduced the automatic split bill payment featured on the app (shown on the desktop).

User research suggests that users "want to track their spending in an automated sense". I introduced the automatic split bill payment featured on the app (shown on the desktop).

User research suggests that users "want to track their spending in an automated sense". I introduced the automatic split bill payment featured on the app (shown on the desktop).

Valued customers

Along with the chance to win money by referring their friends, peers, and colleagues to the bank either $1,000 or $250 (if the referral signs up for a Home Loan or Business Loan), I added that all existing customers receive a bonus $50 per year for being a dedicated customer, as user research indicates that "none of the users believe that their bank prioritises them as customers".

Along with the chance to win money by referring their friends, peers, and colleagues to the bank either $1,000 or $250 (if the referral signs up for a Home Loan or Business Loan), I added that all existing customers receive a bonus $50 per year for being a dedicated customer, as user research indicates that "none of the users believe that their bank prioritises them as customers".

Along with the chance to win money by referring their friends, peers, and colleagues to the bank either $1,000 or $250 (if the referral signs up for a Home Loan or Business Loan), I added that all existing customers receive a bonus $50 per year for being a dedicated customer, as user research indicates that "none of the users believe that their bank prioritises them as customers".

Use strong visual imagery

Participants preferred to see images/videos rather than the coloured gradient background (iteration 2), to better connect with the target audience and their different lifestyles.


Designing responsively

UX/Product Designer based in Sydney | Made with ☕️ in 2024

UX/Product Designer based in Sydney | Made with ☕️ in 2024

UX/Product Designer based in Sydney | Made with ☕️ in 2024

UX/Product Designer based in Sydney | Made with ☕️ in 2024